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Creating an estate plan is one of the best ways to plan for your future and protect your assets. 一个或几个信托可能是你计划的一个重要方面. 信托和遗产计划可以减少你的纳税义务, 保护你的资产不受债权人和/或诉讼的影响, 并帮助您的家人避免冗长的遗嘱认证过程.

A trust is a financial arrangement that you (the grantor) create allowing a third party (the trustee) to manage and spend assets to benefit a person, 一群人, 慈善机构, 或慈善事业(受益人或受益人). Trusts can be set up in any number of ways and can specify exactly how and when you want the assets (or income from the assets) to pass to the beneficiaries. Sometimes, such as with revokable 信托基金, the grantor serves as trustee during their lifetime.

Trusts aren’t just for the wealthy – they are for anyone who wants their assets to be protected while they’re alive and distributed according to plan after death. 信托可以是简单的,也可以是复杂的,可以是全局性的,也可以是高度具体和专业化的. 一个有技术和经验的 遗产规划律师 can assess your unique situation and recommend a trust(s) that will be of greatest benefit for you and your family.



Creating an effective trust is a highly specialized skill that attorneys trained in estate planning spend years developing. 在教堂,兰登·洛普·巴内特律所, our attorneys have decades of personal and professional experience in the estate planning arena, 我们对保护资产的多种方式都很熟悉, 退休计划, 为生命终结的问题做好准备. 我们的律师是最优秀、最聪明的. 他们不仅聪明, 但他们也住在新奥尔巴尼社区,关心这里的居民. 他们深深致力于他们所bet9九州体育登录的客户的福祉. 要了解更多关于我们的法律团队,您可以阅读我们的 律师bios. 你也可以阅读 客户感言 看看满意的客户对我们的法律bet9九州体育登录有何评价.



Trusts can be created now, and beneficiaries receive income during your lifetime. 信托也可以在纸上创建,但直到你去世后才会得到资助. 你遗产中的资产可以作为信托的基础, 比如房地产, 股票, 现金, 以及其他投资. Trusts offer some benefits beyond transferring assets through the 遗嘱认证过程. 这些好处包括:

  • 您可以指定分发的时间和对象.
  • You can specify that you will get access to assets during your lifetime and designate who is entitled to remaining assets after your death.
  • 信托通常避免遗嘱认证, so your beneficiaries may gain access to these assets faster and without court fees.
  • Your will becomes a public record during the 遗嘱认证过程, but a trust does not. 如果你重视你的隐私, 信托可以防止别人知道你死后谁得到了多少.
  • 取决于它是如何建立起来的, 信托不得视为应税遗产的一部分, 这样你死后要交的税就少了.



信托的目的是 保护资产 并在你死后有序地分配你的财产. 可以建立多种信托来限制税收风险, 资助慈善机构,为家庭成员提供支持, 但它们通常分为两类:

  • 可撤销或生前信托: 此信任允许您在您的生命周期内修改或终止信任. 它可以帮助在你死后将资产转移给遗嘱认证之外的受益人, 它允许你在你的一生中保留对资产的控制. 如果你的情况或愿望发生变化,信托可以随时解除. 当授予人去世时,这些信托往往不可撤销(见下文). 你可以成为受托人(或与其他人共同受托人), maintain control over the trust and make provisions for a successor trustee if you become incapacitated or die. The drawback is that a living trust can be subject to estate taxes and will be treated as one of your assets during your lifetime.
  • 不可撤销的信任: 这种类型的信任在创建之后不能被授予者更改. 而这种失控是一个消极因素, the benefits are that it generally transfers your assets out of your estate and potentially out of the reach of estate taxes and 遗嘱认证. If your goal is to reduce your estate tax liability, this is an option you should consider. It may also shelter your assets from legal judgments against you and can be part of 医疗补助计划.

超越可撤销和不可撤销的信托, 有专门针对特定实体或项目的信托. 以下是其中几个:

  • 宠物的信任: 这些信托基金为动物提供资金,比如猫, 狗, 马和其他宠物——在你死后.
  • 枪的信任: These 信托基金 oversee the transfer of firearms to beneficiaries and make sure that all state and federal gun laws are ad在这里d to.
  • 特殊需要信任: These 信托基金 are set up to provide for a disabled child or adult after you pass away. 而不是向那些可能无法很好地管理资金的人提供资产, the trustee can manage the money and distribute assets or income to pay bills and meet certain expenses.
  • 慈善信托基金: 这些信托基金是为了某一特定的慈善事业而设立的, 比如医学研究, 社区基金会, 或教育, 等. A “charitable remainder trust” allows the grantor to enjoy the benefits of the trust during their lifetime with the remaining proceeds provided to 慈善机构 upon death.
  • 避税信托: These 信托基金 allow one spouse to pass money to the other spouse while limiting the amount of federal estate taxes due when the second spouse passes away.


你可以阅读更多关于印第安纳州管理权利的规则, 职责, 权力, 负债, 以及信托当事人的救济 印第安纳州法典第30卷. 信托和受托人§30-4-2-1.

你也可以阅读更多 在这里.



Trust lawyers recognize that their role is not only to research and draft legal documents, but also 帮助 educate their clients about various legal tools and legal terminology. 在本例中,让我们看一下“受托人”的定义.” The trustee is the person assigned to manage the trust assets and distribute them — or income from them — according to the terms of the trust and applicable laws. The trustee is considered a fiduciary so must live up to high legal and professional standards. 这些要求包括:

  • 完全按照信托中的指示行事
  • 不将信托资产或收入视为自己的
  • 与所有受益人进行清晰透明的沟通
  • Maintaining records to establish that trust assets are properly managed and spent, 并在收到请求时向受益人公布这些信息
  • 按规定缴纳联邦和州税

A trustee who mismanages or misuses trust funds can be sued by beneficiaries who have reason to believe the trustee isn’t living up to his or her fiduciary obligations. 有一整个领域的法律专门用于遗产和/或信托诉讼. Beneficiaries can sue to have a trustee removed if the trustee fails to carry out their fiduciary duty. 另一方面,如果有的话,那是极其罕见的 受托人将取消受益人.


遗嘱认证是一个人死后遗产的处理过程. 它既简单又经济, 也可能很复杂, 画出, 而且很贵——取决于你的计划有多好. 在最好的情况下, 遗嘱是井然有序的, 非常高效。, 这个过程相对简单,可以在短时间内完成. 在最坏的情况下,它可能是昂贵的、缓慢的,而且经常令人沮丧. 首先要做的是确保 遗嘱认证过程 顺利是创建遗嘱作为更大的遗产计划的一部分吗. A last will and testament will lay out how you want your assets distributed to beneficiaries. 没有遗嘱的人被称为“无遗嘱”死亡.“当这种情况发生时, 印第安纳州遗嘱法典 遗嘱认证法庭将决定你的财产如何分配, 这是否能反映你的意愿. 所以,和遗产规划律师一起起草一份遗嘱.

除了, creating a trust will enable you to manage and protect your assets while you’re alive, 并在你去世后有效地将资产分配给受益人. 一般来说,信托不需要通过遗嘱认证程序. 其他可以避免资产通过遗嘱认证的方法包括:

  • 确保所有的退休和人寿保险都有指定的受益人
  • 确认养老金, ira, 银行账户, and other financial accounts have named beneficiaries and/or payable-on-death status.

许多州, 包括印第安纳州, 吃特色菜, 简化了所谓“小地产”的流程.” An 印第安纳小庄园 房产的价值是50美元吗,扣除债务后不超过5000美元, 障碍, 留置权, 并扣除丧葬费用. Joint assets (co-owned with a spouse or another person) and beneficiary designations (such as those mentioned above) are not included in the $50,有资格申请“小额遗产”程序的最高遗产金额为000英镑. 如果你的房子算是小地产的话, 你可以追求简化, 印第安纳州的简易遗嘱认证程序.


Whether you’re in 印第安纳州 or 肯塔基州 and planning for your own future or the future of a loved one, consider allowing Church Langdon Lopp Banet Law 帮助 you by answering your questions about 信托基金 or by creating them to meet your wants and needs. Contact us today to start finding solutions: complete our online form or call us at 812-725-8224.


在印第安纳州和肯塔基州都有执业执照, 史蒂夫·兰登是一位经验丰富的老年律师和出庭辩护律师. 除了他的诉讼和审判工作, 史蒂夫的执业包括立遗嘱, 信托基金, 遗嘱认证, 医疗补助计划, 监护, 授权书, 以及高级指导计划, 包括生前遗嘱和医疗代理指定. [ 律师生物 ]


加里在印第安纳州和肯塔基州都有执业律师执照. 他专注于遗产规划, 遗产及信托管理, 遗产及信托诉讼, 监护, 老年人法和特殊需求规划. 加里赢得了他的J。.D. 来自路易斯维尔大学,路易斯D. Brandeis School of Law, and formerly practiced law at Bingham Greenebaum Doll and Wyatt, Tarrant & 库姆斯. [ 律师生物 ]


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